Oh man! Itching is one of the most unbearable symptoms thus far. As much as I am trying to enjoy my 2nd trimester honeymoon period, I am plagued by a constant nagging itch.
It started with an itch in the butt after a poo-poo session. Possibly due to the hard stools, the area was bleeding and it became a biting pain that kept me awake the whole night. The itch then spread to the bikini lines, armpits and under the bust. Pimple-like bumps, that looked like inflamed in-growth hair, started to appear. Just when I think this was bad, small little sand-fly bite bumps started to appear on the inner folds of the v-area. And these small little red bumps also spread to cover my entire back. And they are really absolutely intensely insanely itchy!!!
I have seen a GP and he gave me antihistamine tablets to fight the itch. He also prescribed Pristinex, an anti-fungal cream. Both weren't of much help. I also went to my private gynae and he prescribed me with Combiderm, an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal cream that has some content of steroids. Both mentioned that rashes are common during pregnancy possibly due to the hormonal changes. As long as the discharge is clear, there is no cause for concern.
The Combiderm cream seems to help a little, but I am not supposed to use it extensively and the usage period shouldn't exceed 10 days. For safety sake, I am not applying on my back due to the sheer surface area. So I am surviving on aloe vera gel and tea tree oil for the bumps on my back.
Itching for the last 2 weeks, I have a realisation about the love-hate relationship between scratching and itching. Honestly, scratching an itch gives you the greatest satisfaction ever! But almost immediately, you are rewarded with an even itchier itch. Scratching also does nothing except expand the area of the itch. Scratching to me is like heroin to a drug addict - there is obviously detrimental, yet you cannot resist its temptation because it offers you a much-needed momentary relief and sanity. Please join me in my prayers that God will put his healing hand on me and drive away this ridiculous itch!