Monday, 11 August 2014

23weeks: Pregnancy Bane #1 - Unbearable rash and itch

Oh man!  Itching is one of the most unbearable symptoms thus far.  As much as I am trying to enjoy my 2nd trimester honeymoon period, I am plagued by a constant nagging itch.

It started with an itch in the butt after a poo-poo session.  Possibly due to the hard stools, the area was bleeding and it became a biting pain that kept me awake the whole night.  The itch then spread to the bikini lines, armpits and under the bust. Pimple-like bumps, that looked like inflamed in-growth hair, started to appear.  Just when I think this was bad, small little sand-fly bite bumps started to appear on the inner folds of the v-area.  And these small little red bumps also spread to cover my entire back.  And they are really absolutely intensely insanely itchy!!!

I have seen a GP and he gave me antihistamine tablets to fight the itch.  He also prescribed Pristinex, an anti-fungal cream.  Both weren't of much help.  I also went to my private gynae and he prescribed me with Combiderm, an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal cream that has some content of steroids.  Both mentioned that rashes are common during pregnancy possibly due to the hormonal changes.  As long as the discharge is clear, there is no cause for concern.

The Combiderm cream seems to help a little, but I am not supposed to use it extensively and the usage period shouldn't exceed 10 days.  For safety sake, I am not applying on my back due to the sheer surface area.  So I am surviving on aloe vera gel and tea tree oil for the bumps on my back.

Itching for the last 2 weeks, I have a realisation about the love-hate relationship between scratching and itching.  Honestly, scratching an itch gives you the greatest satisfaction ever!  But almost immediately, you are rewarded with an even itchier itch.  Scratching also does nothing except expand the area of the itch.  Scratching to me is like heroin to a drug addict -  there is obviously detrimental, yet you cannot resist its temptation because it offers you a much-needed momentary relief and sanity.  Please join me in my prayers that God will put his healing hand on me and drive away this ridiculous itch!

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

22weeks: Symptoms of 2nd Trimester

2nd trimester is the honeymoon stage because you feel very much normal now and the baby bump is very manageable.  Energy levels are back.  Appetite should be restored to at least 80% or even eating more than usual.  Baby bump is slowly showing and the beanie feels a lot higher (which makes you more agile).

Weight gain is also expected to increase.  Because of the discomfort in 1st trimester, I lost 5kg and right now, I am still putting on those weight that I have lost.  My weight gain only began to increase in week 15, possibly at about 1kg/month.  Right now, it is rising at about 2-2.5kg/month.

But 2nd trimester also has its boo-boo. Constipation is a perpetual problem throughout the pregnancy.  My worse experience was spending over 1hr in the toilet because it was just stuck!  And now I am down with piles.  It started with an itch at the a** area, and it progressed to a swell and bleeding during toilet visits.  Right now, there is a constant bruised/raw cut feeling whenever I am moving or even sitting down.  Truly a pain in the a**!  I am definitely going to visit my family doctor for help tomorrow!

Itching is another torment.  Out of the blue, I had the urge to scratch at the most obscene places - armpits, bikini line and below the bust.  The itch seems to be happening at the places where the skin folds even though I have been keeping a good level of hygiene.  Oh man, how I really know how my dog feels all day long.  No wonder they are always roll over in bliss when you give them a good scratchy!

And there are changes to our tender bust, as they prepare for breastfeeding.  Veins started appearing across my blossoms and last night, I was shocked to find small bits of glue-like dirt at the teats.  Apparently it is no cause for any concern - just gently clean them off and it will be gone! *phew phew phew*

Saturday, 19 July 2014

21 weeks: A scan at Dr Ananda just to be safe

Paranoia always surrounds a IVF mommy-to-be.  At least, this is the case for me.  Perhaps the shadow of having poor egg quality makes me particularly fearful that beanie may not grow well.  Seeing repeated bleeding during my 1st trimester didn't help to allay my fears.   Hearing news of sudden miscarriages among our IVF mommies group definitely added to the sadness and worry.

So, I decided to arrange an additional detailed scan at Prof Ananda office just to be doubly sure.   It was a very pleasant experience, compared to my earlier scan at week 20.  During my first detailed scan, the sonographer was quite detached and the room layout resulted in my hubby sitting apart from me.  Somehow the engagement and intimacy wasn't there.  At Prof Ananda office, he personally performed the scan and guided us through the whole process.  And he was very gentle.  I had an achy pain at my lower abdomen area after the earlier scan because the sonographer was pressing way too hard.

And the best news is that beanie seems to be fine on all fronts.  And we had a double confirmation that she is a girl!  I am gonna nick-named her 'Sparkles' for now, inspired after a IVF sister who gave me a lot of strength and inspiration throughout this journey.  And I totally love the sound of the word and its meaning as well.  May she grow up to be a shining and dazzling light for those around, always giving joy and illuminating with hope.  May she glitter and glow in her own ways and be filled with wit and charm.  May she walk in the light of God and live each day with overflowing passion and zest.  I would really have named her Sparkles but my hubby wants a proper name.  At least she is gonna be sparkles for now until 21 Nov.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

20weeks: Beanie is a boy or girl???

Exciting week cos it is detailed scan time!  Another milestone in this pregnancy journey cos you get to see beanie for at least 30mins.  Well, everything is in black and white mode, so my hubby was bored after 10mins and started to fiddle with his phone.

To him, it was possibly just black circles after black circles as each black area is an organ e.g. bladder, kidney, heart etc.  Or it was just white lines after white lines, which are the different bones.  But it was quite surreal for me to be able to see beanie for so long. 

 Can you make a guess from my symptoms?
  • Nausea (though no vomiting) during 1st trimester
  • Bloating and lots of burping 
  • Oily face with many little small bumps.  Occasional bouts of pimple
  • Hairier at the tummy and more visible/longer hair on arms and legs
  • Likes salty and sour stuff more than sweet things (though I started to like char kway teow and black carrot cake, which I used to find it oily and boring)
  • Stronger pulse on the left hand (which TCM doc guessed that it was gonna be a boy)

Despite the overwhelming signs of a baby boy, my beanie is a PRINCESS!

Hahaha!  I realised that I have gotten used to mindset that it was gonna be a boy.  But I am still very thankful and glad.  It would be lovely to have a baby girl.  My mom is particularly worried that I am having a girl, but it really doesn't matter to me.  Whomever with an issue with beanie being a girl can always just leave us alone and not disturb us.  I am totally and perfectly fine with it.  As long as beanie is safe, stable, strong, healthy and happy, that is all that matters.

Time to load our shopping bags with everything that is saccharine sweet, pinky, flora, polka dots, bows, butterflies, princessy etc!

Friday, 4 July 2014

19weeks: Sometimes your mind just drives you nuts!

This week is a bad week for the SMH forum sisters.  One of us had a miscarriage suddenly, without any warning or symptoms.  It was really heartbreaking to read her posts and it really saddened beanie and I.  Her words kept appearing in my mind and my heart just goes out to her and what she is going through.  Her pain must be immeasurable and I just keep praying that she would be back on her feet really soon.  Really hope that no more IVF mommies would have to lose our beanies. 

Another sister is going through an uncertain and frustrating phrase, trying to make sense of what had happened at her detailed scan.  Just when we all feel more confident at mid 2nd-trimester, reality hits us hard and tells us that we should constantly be careful and thankful.  Life is so uncertain and fragile and sometimes we are just so helpless in our circumstances.  At this point, we can only pray and put our faith in God's plans for us.

I just keep telling myself that whatever will be will be.  If a miscarriage is really just round the corner, there is nothing the doctors can do or help.   I will just try to enjoy the pregnancy, pray real hard for the days ahead and not get too caught up in my paranoia.  Well, 2 more milestones to cross - detailed scan in mid Jul and the passing of week 24 in early Aug.  Week 24 is also known as viability week where the doctors are able to save the foetus in event of any pregnancy complication.  

Monday, 30 June 2014

18weeks: Back to work and the 2nd Trimester Symptoms

Finally back to work and feeling a little more useful.  Time also passes a little faster with many chirpy colleagues around me.

In case you are wondering if the symptoms are gone, well...yes and no.  Nausea comes once in a blue-er moon but it does hit you suddenly without any warning.  Appetite is still at 50% but much better than 1st trimester.  You do get sudden light-headedness when you are standing up because of low blood pressure.  And there are the sudden pangs of pains at the lower abdominal area that totally freaks you out.  Sometimes it hits you just above the joints of the legs.  Sometimes it feels like stitches at the side of your lower body.  The scariest moment is when you feel it below the button belly cos that is where beanie is.  But all doctors will assure that it is fine as long as there is no bleeding.  Oh, and there is always that dreaded backache and achy bones that always crept up to you once every 2-3 days.  Thankfully, I was able to recover after a warm glass of taiwanese mother ginger, red date and longan.

I think it is habitual but I am still walking at tortoise speed.  The upper tummy also feels much harder these days, possibly cos the uterus is moving up coupled with constipation that is causing a lot of gas build-up in the body.  And I am starting to feel that there is something below, like a certain tightness or heaviness from beanie, the waterbag and the placenta.  I guess these are all new and foreign to me so trying my best to enjoy every part of it.

Monday, 23 June 2014

17weeks: What is in a bed-rest day?

I am one of the lucky few who had to bed-rest for the first trimester.  Thankfully it was not a strict bed-rest.  I could bathe as usual.  Just had to avoid walking and try to lie down or sit down whenever possible.  Minimal movement may help with stabilising the pregnancy and prevent any trigger for another bleeding episode.

So what is in a typical bed-rest day?  
My mom comes with a glass of warm goat milk mixed with brown rice powder at 7am before she heads to work.  That gives me a good start for the day and I head back to sleep until my alarm rings at 930am.  Being a natural lazy-bone, I continue to snooze in bed until 1030am before heading out for a full glass of water to down my multi-vitamins.  Multi-vitamins must be taken at least 2hrs after any meal with calcium.

I will be back in my comfy bed to play with my phone - reading forum updates, facebook and the daily news snippets on the development of my beanie.  Tummy will growl at 12pm and it is time for lunch.  Back to lazing in bed for the afternoon and occasionally, I will be surfing the net if the weather is cool.  Else I will be hiding in air-con comfort as I watch the repeated serials on TV.  Dinner is at 630pm and it is TV time again lying on the hall sofa as I catch up on current TV serials and chit-chat with my hubby.  Bathtime is typically at 10pm and I am back to hiding in air-con comfort as I prepare for bed and catch-up with different groups of friends via whatapps.  By 1230am, I will be counting sheeps in my dreams and the routine re-starts.

At times, my day passes faster with my gynae visits and TCM doctor review.  Other than those limited outings, my days have been so for the last 3 months.  This is the life of a couch potato tai-tai...  Hahahaha!  Fortunately, my parents stay with me and help me with all the housework, allowing me to fully rest and stabilise the pregnancy.  That explains why I could keep my nails for this long!  But this will end soon as I will be heading back to work!