Friday, 14 June 2013

IVF Day 1

The feeling is almost surreal. I cannot believe that we have finally started our IVF journey. It was 3 years ago when we first heard the doctor suggest that we do IVF. We fought hard and resisted against it. We tried everything possible - chinese medicine, acupuncture, ovulation strips etc. Three years on, we finally gave in - because age was a better runner than we are. Age has caught up with us. We were put on an antagonist cycle aka short protocol. It was an arduous wait for my period to come and we resorted to taking medicine. It finally came on 8 June. Up bright and early on 11 June, we headed to the hospital and started on first puregon jab at 150units. Honestly, I hate injections. But sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. Until now, I can't say we love kids and we must have kids. I still have reservations about being good parents. But the golden window for IVF is closing on us soon. It was now or never. So here it goes..

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