Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Rumoured Fertility Superfood Part 2 - CoQ10

I read somewhere that CoQ10 is the spark plug of the body.  Just as the spark plug helps to ignite the engine and get the car running, CoQ10 (which is found in mitochondria) plays the key role in producing energy for our body.  As we age after our mid-20s, the level of CoQ10 starts its inevitable decline and so does our ability to absorb it.

Benefits of CoQ10
My eyes lit up when I saw mitochondria because that is the battery pack of the cells in our body and more importantly, the egg embryo.  The egg needs mitochondria to grow and multiply in the first week before implantation.  However, the initial research of the benefits of CoQ10 did not mention anything on fertility.  Instead, its benefits are prevention of hypertension, supporting of cancer treatment, source of antioxidant against aging etc.  The strongest research seem to indicate the usefulness of CoQ10 in lowering blood pressure.  Other benefits are still research in progress.

There were mentions that CoQ10 lowers blood sugar level, which is good news for those with PCOS.  If all else fails, you can count on CoQ10 to help with your beauty regime as the antioxidants within CoQ10 can withstand and reverse skin damage, preserve the collagen and elastin within your skin cells to make you appear younger.

CoQ10 supplements and CoQ10-rich food
As Coq10 is not a natural herb but a scientifically made health supplement, there may be side effects such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, appetite loss, insomnia, headache, dizziness, irritability, fatigue and flu-like ailments. Thankfully, according to the research, the symptoms are generally rather mild and short lasting.

Alternatively, you can consider including Coq10 rich food in your diet - pork heart, beef heart, liver, kidney etc.  Do not fry them as CoQ10 are lost during the process, so boiling is still the best cooking method.  However, getting all the CoQ10 needed from food presents challenges because of the relatively low amounts available even in foods with the highest content values.


  1. Have u started taking coq10? How much do u take daily?

  2. Hi hi, I am not taking coq10. But I am writing a post on my post-IVF diet! Hopefully it helps others.
