- Lining - 10mm triple
- Left ovary (13 eggs) - 16, 17, 16.5, 14, 17, 12, 15.5, 15, 12.5, 14.5, 14, 9, 9.5
- Right ovary (12 eggs) - 21.5, 16.5, 14, 15.5, 15.5, 13.5, 14.5, 12, 9.5, 8.5, 6, 6
And it is confirmed - trigger shot will be on Saturday and egg retrieval on Monday. And I have stocked up my serial collection which will be my distraction during my 2ww.
I also made a visit to my TCM doc, to help prepare for the IVF. The pulse is ok, still strong but a little anxious. There is little that she can do for me except to prescribe me me some medicine to get rid of gas in the body and a session of ba-guan to remove the wind.
lining and follies are looking good!! jiayou dots!!! will be rooting for your successful journey.