Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Bye to Cherries, Hi to Beetroot!

My TCM doc has advised me to eat cherries to help with my health condition.  I do really hope that it will help with egg quality.  Even if it doesn't, it is a good source of anti-aging nutrients and anti-oxidants =P

But alas, my regular fruit seller announced that the cherry season was over!  Sad, cos I have grown quite attached to having cherries every other day.

So I had to asked my TCM doc, 'what else can I eat in place of cherries?'.  The answer? Beetroot!  I would truly preferred cherries over beetroot, but no choice.  Beetroot it shall be.  Anything that can help my health and fertility - I will gobble it down with gusto!

In case anyone is following my diet, so no more cherries for us.  It is going to be apple + beetroot + carrot drink twice a week.  And always finish your drink within 30mins!


  1. Thanks for sharing this! definitely good to know, but im not a fan to cherries nor beetroot! oh gosh

    1. Cherries are not that bad. Beetroot.. errmmm... I also don't like. Hahaha!

  2. I am going to try too. By the way, who is your tcm dr?

    1. When are you starting to cycle? I am thinking of end Dec or early Jan, but don't know if the centre would allow since it is close to CNY.

      I am with Ma Guang - a little expensive compared to most TCM doctors. But the herbs are in powder form, so it is more convenient for me.

    2. Hi, I will cycle early next year and hopefully my bleeding heart can take it. I have phobia of failing and it add the stress on me. I am trying not to think not to fear not to obsess but it is so hard.

      U doing acu with Ma Guang? Which outlet and which dr? Thanks

    3. Oh, we might be cycle mates - hopefully! Will update more when I see the doc in Oct. I know what you mean about phobia of failing, but not thinking about it until it is time to cycle. Hahaha!

      Yes, I am seeing Dr Jiang at Ma Guang. She is at different outlets on different days e.g. Wed and Sat at Chinatown. You can check from the Ma Guang website for her schedule.
