Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Cost of my long protocol

The bill is finally here.  Because our IVF was done at a government hospital, we could use our Medisave and the government grant.  This means we possibly do not need to fork out any cash.  But it is still everyone's favourite question right?  How much is it exactly?  Here's the rough breakdown:

  • Medicine (Puregon 1500unit, Saizen 50unit, Trigger Jab) - $1,735
  • Follicle scanning and doctor's review (2 visits) - $780
  • Egg retrieval procedures and medicine - $4,700
  • Egg transfer procedures, embryo storage and utrogestan capsule 108pcs - $2,100
  • TOTAL - $9,315 (Medisave deduction was $3, 025 and the remaining $6,290 from IVF grant)

So what did we pay?  Not including the prior visits to the gynae before he recommends us for IVF and the counselling and briefing since it is our 2nd try. These are the small bits:

Before/During IVF:
  • Lucrin medicine - $100
  • Blood tests (before starting IVF, before ET, end of 2ww) - $150
After BFP:
  • Duphaston and folic acid (after BFP) - $120
  • Scan and doctor's visit at 6 weeks and more medicine - $140 + $130
  • 2 unexpected visits to clinic because of sudden bleeding - $110 + $110

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