Wednesday, 30 April 2014

10weeks: Feeling a little less emo

I think I am in denial stage.  Just not thinking too much about the unhappy things.  On the other hand, I had a good weekend.

Knowing that I am very picky about my food these days, my hubby decided to go to BK to get me the croissantwich breakfast burger.  The next day, we also went to a nearby mall to get some essentials to help with some of the side efforts.  He even made an effort to leave work on time and accompany me to an evening gynae visit.  These are little things that show hubby itsy bitsy cares for beanie.

And for the 1st time, I was feeling very happy after the scan.  For the 1st 2 visits, my mind was always preoccupied with the dilemma.  But this time, it was really nice.  I didn't have to do a vagina scan.  And we saw beanie in a classic teddy bear position - lying on the side with hands and legs pointing at the screen.  Beanie even moved the hand a little.  And we got to hear that galloping heartbeat.  The image of the teddy bear position just got imprinted in my mind.  Not too sure if hubby is just as excited (though he didn't show it).  Hopefully he will slowly get warmed up to beanie.

Beanie at 6w4d 
Measuring 3.7mm.  He is just a small round white blop on the left of the black shadow.  Black area is the water bag.

Beanie at 8w4d
Measuring 2.1cm.  He looks like a little white peanut on the top of the black shadow.

Beanie at 10w3d
Measuring 3.7cm.  He looks like a teddy bear.  Head on the right and lying on the side. The 2 white spots (near the dotted lines) are the fists.


  1. wow this is beautiful
    till now i still cant figure out how to see an ultrsound scan :)

    1. Yeah, it is always blurry. A lot is up to our imagination. Hahaha! There was a nicer image on the screen when I was at the doc but too bad we didnt managed to print that.

  2. Hey dear, congratulations on your little beanie and on being patient and persevering thus far! I've been reading a few entries and you mentioned turning to tcm. I'm wondering if you could share your tcm contact? Perhaps drop me an email at I'm looking for a good one myself for my own pregnancy woes. Thanks!

    1. I emailed you already! Check your mailbox =)
