Wednesday, 26 March 2014

6weeks: Waiting for first scan

4 more hours to the first scan!  Am I excited about it?  Honestly, can't feel excited about it. I think I am totally battered by the symptoms.  The feeling of nausea had been particularly bad these few days.  Small meals doesn't help.  Ginger doesn't help.  Orange peel or sweets don't help.  Just trying my best to live with it.  Hopefully it goes away soon.

The rest of the symptoms are still there - heart-thumping feeling, bloating, backache, no appetite, frequent peeing, cramping, breathlessness, gastric, spotting etc.  Sometimes it really gets me down and I am trying my best to be remain positive about being pregnant.  I am really hoping that the scan today will give me and my beanies some encouragement.

Symptoms or no symptoms better?  I think it is between the devil and the deep blue sea.  I belong to those who have symptoms, and possibly getting the bad end of it.  It can really break your positivity and there is no way to make me feel better.  Yes, I keep telling myself that these are good signs cos beanies are growing.  But it doesn't make me feel better.  These signs don't guarantee that there is a heartbeat in there.  They don't guarantee that the heartbeat will continue to be strong.  They don't guarantee anything.

For those who have no symptoms, they have a separate set of worries.  Constantly their thoughts are on their beanies and how they are doing.  Whether if it is physical discomfort or emotional torture, the first trimester is not an enjoyable period for mothers-to-be.  It is just as bad as the 2ww, but over an extended period.

So once again, I think all mommies and mommies-wannabes are super warriors, having to brave this long and trying period.  I really hope more mommies-wannabes will graduate and have their BFPs.  I also hope that all mommies-to-bes will have a good and smooth pregnancy.  Amen!

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