All was fine until 19 Feb 2014 onward, which is about after 7 days of stimulation.
19-22 Feb 2014 - Bloating started and slowly the gamut of symptoms showed up, consisting of nausea, achy bones, cramps, occasional bouts of gastric.
23 Feb 2014 - Felt a crampy lower abdominal pain every time I pee.
24/25 Feb 2014 - Bloating worsened after egg retrieval. Nausea and occasional gagging became common.
26 Feb 2014 - Bloating intensified after egg transfer. Unable to
stomach much food because of the bloating. Very nausea but unable to
vomit any substance from tummy. Very little pee. Couldn't sleep that night.
27 Feb 2014 - Bloating continued, resulting in difficulty in walking as there was pain at the abdominal area and cramps at the lower abdominal area. Gastric attack in the morning. Nausea still present and very little pee. Able to sleep on side that night, but woke up every 30mins to burp acidic gas.
28 Feb 2014 - Lesser pain in walking but came down with urinary tract infection. Kept breaking out in cold sweat which could last 1-2 hours. Continued to be nauseous. Tried to drink as much as possible. Pee increased slightly. Able to sleep on side that night with frequent and regular waking up to burp acidic gas.
1 Mar 2014 - Nausea subsided but bloating at its maximum. Couldn't stand up straight as skin was too taut. Bloating so extreme that it was painful to breath while sitting down. Continued to drink more water and pee increased. Went to 24hr IVF clinic and did blood test and urine test. Cleared of OHSS. Was given antacid to reduce the bloating. Able to sleep on side with regular waking up to burp acidic gas.
2 Mar 2014 - Bloating continued. Skin still taut when standing. Drinking and peeing no longer a problem. Able to crave for food but couldn't eat much due to bloating. Appetite continued to be small. Started to have frequent sneezing and running nose. Able to sleep on side and lesser occurrence of acidic gas burping.
3 Mar 2014 - Felt tummy rumble in hunger for the first time this week. Skin still taut when standing. Able to eat more small meals. Running nose and sneezing continued and started to have sore throat. Drinking as much water as possible. Able to sleep almost normally but still waking up for acidic gas burping.
4 Mar 2014 - Bloating seemed to have subsided a little. Skin less taut and able to stand up straight. Sore throat worsened, while running nose had subsided. Starting to feel lower abdominal cramps. Able to sleep normal but waking up twice or trice for acidic gas burping.
I think I am almost recovered from OHSS with some remnants. The OHSS was more intense this time but somehow it felt shorter as well, possibly due to more pre-preparation and help from the IVF clinic. Very glad to have survived it again with the help and grace of God. OHSS is an experience that can literally tear your spirit and gnaw at your soul.
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