Higher Dose of Puregon
Resulted in 35 eggs compared to 23 eggs. Possibly this was not part of the plan, but I did get more eggs this round.
Long Protocol versus Short Protocol
Resulted in 17 mature eggs (49%) compared to 9 eggs (39%). Not too much of an increase in terms of percentage but it did help when you look at the absolute numbers.
Resulted in 6 good embryos (35%) compared to 1 embryo (11%). A marked increase in successful fertilisation rate. I was personally hoping that I would be happy with 2 good embryos. It is a great blessing and comfort from God to be able to have extra for freezing.
No Pay Leave
I think I was pretty much in a relaxed mode throughout the stimulation phrase and it sure can't be bad for the the eggs to be growing in a worry-free environment filled with daily enjoyment and positivity. Well, it is not something that can be proven but you can't deny that it is the topping on the ice-cream =)
I don't know if it helps but I started Immunocal earlier this time:
- 1x a day since 17 Feb which is Day 5 of stimulation
- 2x a day since 19 Feb which is trigger day
- 3x a day since 24 Feb which is egg retrieval day. Stopped only on 3 Mar which is 5dp2dt
I practically stopped drinking water all together from egg retrieval onwards. Any liquid intake was H20. I felt that H20 was better than 100plus, as the latter was gassy (which adds to the bloat). I also started to dilute my H20 from 3dp2dt cos of a urinary tract infection. So I drank half part H20 with half part water to help with the infection.
This tablet was prescribed by the doctor right after my egg retrieval of 35 eggs. It is supposed to be taken nightly for 8 nights. It did help to reduce the bloating, allowing me to sleep on side most of the nights. In the morning, the bloating would always feel better as it starts to intensify through the day again culminating at its tightest from 5pm onwards.
Because of my OHSS, urinary tract infection and flu, I have not been able to have a specialised diet. Yes, I have stocked up tonnes of black chicken, brazil nuts, red dates, longan, wolfberries in the fridge but none were used.
Today is 7dp2dt. My days are spent in bed, either watching serials or updating my blog on my laptop. I try not to move about so much as there is a lower abdominal cramp happening these 2 days. My utmost task is to drink as much water and get my flu symptoms out of the way.
FYI - my TCM doc told me yesterday that my pulse has almost OK which is excellent news. During my last cycle, she just kept shaking her head and saying the pulse is very weak. Hopefully God will continue to bless my journey, and give me fruits in the womb; children that we will bring up in his name, according to his will. And yes, greedy little me hopes for twinnies! Amen!
yeh!! jiayou!